Case Report: Dialectical Behavior Therapy Based Psychological Counseling Practice

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In this study the psychological counseling process is handled with a client who has long-term and overwhelming emotions. The client had experienced a negative and stressful situation in which he could not deal with overwhelming emotions and stresful experiences and could not find a way to live a normal life. Dialectical Behavior Therapy which was formulated by Marsha Linehan is used in order to examine the client and the counseling process as well as to construct the sessions. Dialectical Behavior Therapy as a therapy approach that gives importance to make client be well equipped with four skill areas. These are stres tolerance skills, mindfulness skills, emotion regulation skills and lastly interpersonal effectiveness skills. Radical acceptance, safe place visualization are techniques that are used for stress tolerance skill acquisition. Defining the emotions and behavior analysis are used for emotion regulation skill acquisition. Getting out of past regrets, criticism, and judgments as well as despair toward the future. Psychoeducation about the relationship characteristics and the qualities of healthy relationship are studied as being interpersonal effectiveness skill acquisition. So far nine sessions are handled, and the counseling process has not completed yet. In these sessions, it is observed that the client’s stress level is decreased as well as there are enhancements about the interpersonal effectiveness and radical acceptance.
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