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Eg: Peter SG 1, Sudan HS 2 and Gracia LI 2 *

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Eg: Peter SG 1, Sudan HS 2 and Gracia LI 2 *

1Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of California, USA.

2Department of Cardiology and Surgery, University of Toronto, Canada.

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Eg: Lung cancer; Biomarkers; Cancer therapy

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Journal Article with less than 3 authors:

Yeung SN, Lichtinger A, Kim P. Late-onset Klebsiella oxytoca flap-margin-related corneal ulcer following laser in situ keratomileusis. Int J Biomed Sci. 2013;9(1):205-10.

Journal Article with more than 3 authors:

Benedetti P, Rassu Mario, Branscombre M, et al. Gemellamorbillorum: An underestimated etiology of central nervous system infection? J Med Microbiol. 2014;17(1):145-8.

Book References:

Yeung SN, Lichtinger A, Kim P. Principles of Genetics. 8th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2006.

Book Chapter:

Yeung SN, Lichtinger A, Kim P. Adhesion molecules and site-specific metastasis.In: Neri Serneri SS, Gensini GF, editors.Thrombosis: An Update. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1992.  269-303 p.


National Cancer Institute at National Institutes of Health. [hyperlinked with]

Clinical Images
Clinical images are the pictures that show the clinical findings of a particular case of the patient. The clinical pictures should include questions and answers that should educate or remind readers about an important clinical situation or event. The image should not just describe the picture; however, should be informative enough from a clinical teaching view.

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