The para-testicular mass lesions are usually of benign etiology in the majority of cases [1]. Lipoma is the most common
extra testicular neoplasm and originates from the fat cells of the spermatic cord or subcutaneous fat in the scrotal wall.
Whenever patient present with a scrotal mass, detailed history and local examination of inguinoscrotal regions are must.
Malignant scrotal wall, Para testicular, or spermatic cord tumors are rare. After initial evaluation first Imaging study is
Scrotal ultrasound and US is best modality that evaluate and confirm the exact location and organ of origin of a mass or
rule out the presence of an inguinal hernia. It is very accurate in differentiating between an intra-testicular and extra
testicular location and the size, shape, and echogenicity of the mass that will further helpful to narrow the differential
diagnosis. Intra testicular masses need a formal workup, with serum tumor markers, according to the Imaging findings
warrants immediate referral/ consultation with a urologist for further staging and intervention.