This research is intended to examine the mental well-being of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and to examine whether
mental well-being differs according to the socio-demographic, health and disease characteristics of patients hospitalized in
the state hospital.
The study group of the study group consisted of individuals who were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) at
Çumra State Hospital in Çumra, Konya province, between February 2018 and April 2018. Random sampling method is used
in sample selection. In the calculation of the sample, the number of samples was calculated as 123 individuals. In the
collection of research data; a questionnaire form prepared by their searcher and the Warwick - Edinburgh Mental well -
Being Scale (WEMIO) were used. The data were collected by their searcher using the hospitalized questionnaire in the
internal medicine service, based on self-report by the participants, and in a portion of the questionnaires, interviewed face
to-face with patients with difficulties in reading. Data were summarized as number, percentage, and mean ± Standard
deviation. In the analyzes, student t test and one way analysis of variance were used in independent groups of parametric
tests. In all statistical analyzes, p <0.05 was considered significant.
It was found that 58.5% of the participants had female gender, 69.1% were 65 years and below, 61.0% had education at
primary and lower education, 90.2%-49.6% of the respondents considered the economic situation as moderate, 81.3% were
married, 94.3% were health insurance, 88.6% were living in the core family, 52.0% were interested in home care 92.2% of
these caregivers are first degree relative. The mean score of the individuals who participated in the study was 45, 98 ± 10,52
points on the Mental Well-Being Scale.
Patients with low educational level, unemployed and poor economic status, single, needing caregivers and seeking psychiatric
support should be evaluated form mental well-being and should be considered as a risk group. It may be advisable for
researchers to conduct studies on the causes affecting mental well-being and to contribute to the development of the
literature on this subject, to work with illustrates with different socio economic characteristics and with larger samples.