Background: Status epilepticus (SE) is a single epileptic seizure lasting more than five minutes or two or more seizures without
returning to normal between them. It’s a life-threatening medical emergency requiring immediate management. Epilepsy is a
chronic disease or condition, resulting in unprovoked recurrent seizures that affect a variety of mental and physical functions
[1]. Focus on first aid measure needs greater emphasis to remove fright and fear amongst the public. Public awareness and
education toward epilepsy and common complications related to epilepsy are equally important to improve the quality of life of
epileptic patients [2]. To evaluate the epilepsy and status epilepticus knowledge and attitude regarding epilepsy among health
professionals and public in Saudi Arabia.
Method: A questionnaire that evaluated knowledge and attitude regarding epilepsy and its emergency complications like status
epilepticus among health professionals and the public.
Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical software SPSS.
Eligibility criteria: Age>15 years, Both sex, Mentally competent
Results: Our prediction is lack of knowledge and attitude among non-health professional regarding epilepsy and status
epilepticus. However, the health professional group may show better knowledge, but equivalent attitude compared with non
health professional group about status epilepticus.