Life Threatening Acute Anterior Wall STEMI in a Young Male Following an Alcohol Binge

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Acute MI is one of the most common presentations of coronary heart disease. Acute myocardial infarction in a very young patient is one of the most disturbing clinical scenarios for a treating cardiologist. Of all the patients with coronary artery disease, individuals younger than 45 years of age account for only 3% and very young patients with age less than 35 years account for <2%. We hereby report a case of a 22-year young male with no significant past or family history of cardiovascular disease, who presented to our ED with history of chest pain for the past two hours. With evidence of acute anterior wall MI in the ECG, patient underwent thrombolysis with streptokinase. CAG showed non obstructive thrombus in the LAD, hence deferred stenting and advised medical management. Apart from binge alcohol consumption, there was no other associated significant cardiovascular risk factors in our patient. The present case may signify the possibility of occurrence of acute myocardial infarction following binge alcohol consumption even in very young individuals.
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