Post ERCP Cholecystitis Managed Successfully with Intravenous Amino Acid Infusion: A Case Report

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Cholecystitis is a rare complication of ERCP. A history of acute pancreatitis, history of chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder opacification, biliary metal stent placement, and high leukocyte counts before ERCP were established as potential risk factors for the occurrence of PEC. Identifying the risk factors for PEC may help prevent this adverse event. Intravenous amino acid infusion causes a dose related emptying of the gallbladder. High dose amino acid infusion associated with significant release of CCK from gut either directly or indirectly. CCK causes contraction and emptying of gallbladder. Amino acid infusion can be used to clear the contrast and prevent cholecystitis following ERCP.
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