This is a beautiful case of a patient who reported to the Outpatient Department with a deep-seated, lacerated wound on the lip
apart from several minor abrasive injuries over the entire maxillo-facial region. The patient was conscious, well-oriented to
time and place and very cooperative for clinical examination. On history elicitation, the patient gave a history of fall from a
bike, a road transport accident (RTA) following which the patient along with the attendant rushed to the Centre for needful.
On palpation, though the patient was found anxious and responded with pain, there was no clear-cut evidence found of any
bony fracture in the maxillo-facial region although avulsion was noted in relation to tooth no.#11 while Ellis class II fracture
in relation to tooth no.#21which was later, also, confirmed by the orthopantomograph (OPG) of the patient and other
requisite views taken immediately after clinical examination of the patient including a para-nasal sinus view to check for
evidence of any fractures in the concerned maxillo-facial region.