This study examined relationship between critical thinking and assertive behaviour among secondary school students in Kano
State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey of correlational design was adopted for the study. Simple random sampling technique was
used to select three hundred and four (304) senior secondary school students, while stratified sampling technique was used to
choose the selected secondary schools in the state. Two instruments were used for data collection namely: critical thinking and
assertive behaviour questionnaires. The instruments were validated by experts in test and measurement through content
validity. Test re-test method of reliability was adopted, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistics yielded 0.68 and
0.59 respectively. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS (21version) at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed
that there was a significant relationship between critical thinking and assertive behaviour of senior secondary school students
in Kano State, Nigeria. It was also revealed that there was a significant relationship between critical thinking of male and female
students in senior secondary school in Kano State, Nigeria, and there was a significant relationship between assertive behaviour
of male and female students in senior secondary school in Kano State, Nigeria. In the light of the findings of this study it was
recommended that senior secondary school students should enhance their assertive behaviour through their critical thinking
irrespective of their gender.