Solitary Buccal Space Neurofibroma: A Case Report

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Neurofibroma is a benign nerve sheath tumour that develops in the peripheral nervous system. While 90% of these tumours are solitary, rest of these are multiple and can be found in association with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1). Neurofibromas arise from non-myelinating-type of Schwann cells. The main difference between solitary and disseminated form depends on the nature of involvement such as disseminated form related with systemic and hereditary factors that is absent in solitary cases. This type of neurofibroma is rarely found in the buccal space but commonly present in the other spaces of head neck region. Here we present such a case who presented with solitary swelling in right cheek of 5 years duration. He was operated per-orally under local anaesthesia without sedation with excellent cosmetic outcome.
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