1%-2.5% of the world population suffer from speech disorders in the form of stuttering (logoneurosis). In most cases stuttering
leads to stable negative personality changes, which creates a severe medical, psychological, and social problem. In the 60-ies of
the ХХ century a psychologist Y.B. Nekrasova developed a technique of group logopsychotherapy for stuttering adolescents
and adults, on the basis of emotional-stress therapy of K.M. Dubrovsky, who used the internal reserves of the human psyche.
On the basis of the method of group logopsychotherapy, since the late 1980s, the system of family group logopsychotherapy of
Yu.B. Nekrasova-N.L. Karpova began to be built. At a new level, traditional and non–traditional methods and techniques of
sociorehabilitation of logoneurosis developed - bibliotherapy, formation of motivational involvement in the therapeutic and
educational process, personal development in communication, etc. Psychological mechanisms of increasing motivation in speech
therapy have been identified.