Surgical Case Reports: Open Access is an international, open-access, peer- reviewed journal. It provides a forum for high-quality content in the form of Case Reports, Case Series, Clinical Images, and Letter to Editors in general surgery and allied subspecialties. All manuscripts published by Surgical Case Reports: Open Access are made openly available online promptly upon publication, with no subscription charges or boundaries. Surgical Case Reports: Open Access manuscripts undergo rigorous peer-review process where each and every manuscript undergoes assessment by the editorial board member first and after that, if appropriate, is looked into by at least three potential reviewers within 2–3 weeks of submission. The time interval between acknowledgement and publication online is 7 days. Surgical Case Reports: Open Access welcomes direct submissions of manuscripts from authors. You can submit your manuscript to editorial office: alternatively to journal:
Assistant Professor
Department of Medical Research Center
People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur
Manuscript Type | Article Processing Charges | ||
High Income(Tier 1) | Middle Income(Tier 2) | Low Income(Tier 3) | |
Case Report/Research Article/Review Article | $650 | $450 | $250 |
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