Computer Science Journal: Open Access is an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes original and quality research articles in the field of Computer Science and its applications. The aim of the journal is to publish original scientific researches based on data analysis, machine-learning and artificial intelligence and also covers all subtopics related to Computer Science.
The scope of the Computer Science Journal is to publish research and review articles in computer science and related fields, in order to advance the understanding of computer science and its applications. The journal focuses on topics such as computer architecture, computer networks, computer security, distributed computing, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, robotics, software engineering, programming languages, databases, computational methods, computer vision, computer science education, and more. The journal also publishes survey articles and tutorials related to the latest developments in computer science.
This platform will publish and promote discussion in the following areas: Data engineering, Data preparation, Data mining, Predictive analytics, Machine learning and Data Visualization, as well as statistics, mathematics and software programming etc.
Computer Science Journal: Open Access Manuscripts undergo rigorous peer-review process where each and every manuscript undergoes assessment by the editorial board member first and after that, if appropriate, is looked into by at least three potential reviewers within 2-3 weeks of submission. The time interval between acknowledgment and publication online is 7 days.
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Luis C. Capitán Morales is currently Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Seville, Member of the Governing Council of the University of Seville, Full Professor of Surgery and Head of the Colorectal Surgery Unit of the University Hospital Virgen Macarena. He is a member of the International College of Surgeons, of the Spanish Association of Surgeons and of the Spanish Association of Coloproctology, of the National Conference of Deans of Medicine, of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Seville, of the Andalusian Association of Surgeons and of the Andalusian Group of Coloproctology, of the Conference of Deans of the University of Seville. He is part of numerous editorial committees of journals. He has been a member of the Andalusian Council of Continuing Education, President of the Teaching Commission and Head of Studies of the University Hospital Virgen Macarena. He has published more than 150 works in prestigious journals. He has made more than 300 presentations at National and International Congresses and more than 100 conferences in various forums.
Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech
United States
Principal Professor
Department of Computer Science
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Lima - Peru
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Maharishi International University
United States
Associate Professor
College of Computer and Information Sciences
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman university
Saudi Arabia
Manuscript Type | Article Processing Charges | ||
High Income(Tier 1) | Middle Income(Tier 2) | Low Income(Tier 3) | |
Case Report/Research Article/Review Article | $550 | $250 | $100 |
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